Looking to mix up your daily routine? It’s a good move every once in awhile. I liked these simple ways to make the same old same old, not seem that way.
- Try meal prepping on Sundays for meals through Thursday. Pair that with the app Zero to help track intermittent fasting, and, find a physical activity you actually enjoy!
- Start your day 30 minutes earlier. No more crazy commutes for you! Write down things that take less than five minutes to do and get them done. Crossing things off a list is oddly satisfying.
- Track your time spent on social media by setting time limits within the apps or by using a third-party one. Exchange the time you would've spent scrolling by strolling 10,000 steps a day! More movement may make you thirsty so increase your daily water intake for healthier looking skin.
- If budgeting is hard and apps are too complicated, do it the old-fashioned way. Put cash into labeled envelopes so you know where the money is going.
- Finally, take some you time. Say no more often and just kick back and relax. What changes will you implement into your routine?