Scotty Davis

Scotty Davis

Tampa Bay News & Entertainment every afternoon from 3pm - 7pmFull Bio


Woman Recounts Her Encounter With Notorious American Serial Killer

Occasionally I come across a story that makes me think, “are you kidding me!?” 

 I had to share this with you family.  When you find out which serial killer it was, you will probably think exactly what I did.  “It’s pure luck that woman is still alive to tell this story.” 

My dad told me a story when I was kid (not of meeting a serial killer,) but one that will make you think.

My dad would never sit with his back to the door in any public place.  I asked one day, “why do you do that?”  Dad told me that one of his close friends was sitting in a local bar/pub with his back to to the door.  It was one of those little local spots where when you open the door and take 3 steps in, you are at the bar.

My dad’s friend was having a couple beers after work with his back to the door, when he felt something on the back of his head.  He turned around and the guy holding THE GUN said, “oh my god, wrong guy!”  Yeah, “wrong guy!!”  That’s how close his friend came to dying that day.  

So that’s why my dad, and now me, (after hearing that story) will not sit with my back to any door at any establishment.  Crazy right? 

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