Scotty Davis

Scotty Davis

Tampa Bay News & Entertainment every afternoon from 3pm - 7pmFull Bio


Most Of Our Aches &Pain Is Inflamation In Our Body

Let me start by saying, I'm not a doctor and I do not have a degree in nutrition.  What I'm going to share is from my own experiences. 

Most people have no idea what heathy eating really is.  It's not our fault! 

It's advertising! Labels that say, "fat free, or "the healthy choice."  How the hell can the healthy choice have 28 grams of sugar in it?!?  Sound familiar? 

The few thing I've learned over the past year and a half of changing my lifestyle are these crucial rules.

1. Surger is the DEVIL!!!  Stay away from it in all forms.  Especially diet drinks! 

2. Eat fat, but healthy fats. 

3. Carbs aren't the enemy, as long as they're the right carbs.

4. Stay away from foods that cause inflammation in your body!! 

Here's a link to foods that cause severe inflammation in your body ----> Full List

This is a basic shopping list of quality food that will help you achieve your goals ---> Full List 

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