I waited tables and bartended for a long time... I remember hearing stories of bars/bartenders getting sued for "overserving" customers if the customer got a DUI. I've always thought that was ridiculous because, you know, YOU are responsible for YOUR actions, but ok. This is a whole new level.
A woman in Canada drove drunk, crashed into a home, and caused an explosion! She is now suing the concert venue where she was drinking, claiming the owners are to blame.
From the New York Post:
The “car bomb” fiasco occurred in August 2019 while Daniella Leis, 26, was driving home from a Marilyn Manson concert at the Budweiser Gardens arena in London, Ontario, the CBC reported.
After drinking at the show and getting behind the wheel, Leis crashed her Ford Fusion — registered to her father — into a brick home at 450 Woodman Ave., rupturing a gas line and triggering a massive explosion that destroyed four houses and injured seven people.
All told, the blast caused over $10M in damage to the neighborhood. And the driver claims it wasn't her fault. SHE didn't choose to keep ordering drinks. SHE didn't choose to get behind the wheel. Oh no. She's a victim here. It was definitely the bar's fault. For sure. *eye roll*
See the full story here.
I feel so terrible for the people who's homes were destroyed, and the people who were injured as a result of this woman's deliberate recklessness.
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images