AAA is bringing back their Tow-To-Go program for the 4th of July holiday weekend! If you're unfamiliar, Tow-To-Go will send a driver to you and they'll bring you AND your vehicle home (or to a safe location, like a friend's house) if you are impaired. What's amazing is that the program is FREE and you don't have to be a AAA member to take advantage.
If you have too much to drink this weekend (no judgement--I enjoy adult beverages too!), please use this program! It could save a life (maybe yours)!
The rules: The program kicks off Friday, July 1 at 6 p.m. and runs through Tuesday, July 5 at 6 a.m. AAA stresses that this program should NOT be used as a taxi service, but as a last resort. The driver will bring you and your vehicle to a location within 10 miles at no charge. Ride is only for you and your vehicle, no guests.
Save this number to your phone: 855-2-TOW-2-GO, or 855-286-9246.
Photo: Getty Images