Sarah Jacobs

Sarah Jacobs

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Your brain is a powerful thing

I have a feeling not a lot of people will read this one, but I wish they would! New research shows that the way we speak and the habits we form actually change our brains!

The research found that our words and behaviors begin to alter our brains. This is called "neuroplasticity" and depending on how you view your life, it can be a great thing or a terrible thing.

For example, if you're someone who generally finds the good in most situations, you try to practice kindness and like to point out the positive, it's more likely that you'll be a happy person overall. This doesn't mean you're ignoring the reality of life (hi, there's a lot of depressing, scary things happening in our world, we get that), it just means that you choose to see the good, despite the presence of the bad.

On the other end of that scale, if you're someone who is constantly complaining (we ALL know that person who finds ways to complain about EVERY little thing), you're probably going to find yourself pretty dissatisfied with your life.

The interesting thing here is that, for people struggling with anxiety or depression, it's so important for them to find positive things to focus on AND speak about out loud. It may sound silly, but this practice will eventually begin to "rewire" your brain over time.

I'm not a doctor or a mental health expert (duh, I'm a girl on the radio), but I found this super fascinating! If you're interested in reading more, and learning how to put the info into practice, HERE is an article, with more suggested readings/published studies

Cheers, y'all!

Thumbnail photo: Getty Images

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