If Sarasota-based state senator Joe Greuters gets his way, the National Anthem would be required by law to be played before all sporting events. Typically, the anthem is played before most sporting events, but it's certainly not a requirement (although I personally like to hear it). There's a Florida Senate bill that, if passed, would require the anthem to be played at professional sporting events or taxpayer-funded venues, or risk a fine.
I'm not aware of any professional sporting event or venue that doesn't currently play the anthem before gameplay, so I wonder what prompted this bill to be introduced. And as a very proud American, I LOVE hearing the anthem before a game, but I can't help but also think that passing legislation about it is taking up tax dollars that maybe could be allocated to something else...especially considering it's already being played, so the law wouldn't really change anything.
I'm curious as to your thoughts! Full story HERE
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