Yes, it happened in Florida. A lady lost her ever-loving mind in front of God and everybody at the Ft Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport around 5pm on Sunday. She can be heard in the video screaming "get me out of here," and maybe calling the gate agent a rapist..? I have no idea what led up to this moment, but she's clearly not firing on all 8 cylinders.
I love how she just calmly picks up her bag and walks away like nothing happened.
A few minutes later, another Tweet shows the same woman wearing some fancy new bracelets, being escorted down the hall by some very patient officers while she screams, "I hate cops." I swear, I have no idea how law enforcement officers put up with this nonsense.
Hey, at least this moonbat wasn't allowed to board the plane. Can you imaging how miserable that flight would have been if you'd been sitting next to her for 3 hours? No thanks.
Kinda makes me wonder if she's not crazy, but maybe one of those weird "performance artists." Or she could be on drugs. Or maybe she NEEDS to be on drugs. I don't know. But when you think about how many crazies are walking among us, it's rather terrifying.