Sarah Jacobs

Sarah Jacobs

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GENIUS: How to avoid paying an airport baggage fee

I personally think it's RIDICULOUS that airlines charge such hefty fees to check bags on flights. It used to be that you only got charged if you had multiple check bags, or if they were over 50 lbs. Now, many airlines charge for ALL check bags, and it really irritates me. I'd rather them raise the price of the ticket by $30, and then tell me my bags are free, than nickel and dime me every step of the way through the airport. It's the same amount of money in the end, but it's the illusion of getting a deal (and not dealing with the hassle).

Check out what this dude did to creatively evade a check bag fee. This guy is literally the smartest person alive. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go teach myself how to sew.

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