Today is National Left-Handers Day! Should out to all the lefties! Here are some interesting facts about lefties that you might not have known...and because I'm a dork, I find these totally fascinating!
- 15 percent of the population is left-handed.
- 4 of our last 6 presidents were left-handed: Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., and Reagan were all lefties.
- 50 percent of dogs are left pawed: Research has found that half of dogs favor their left paw over their right.
- Lefties are thought to be more creative: While there’s no scientific proof, many left-handed people follow careers in the arts.
- It’s not genetic … at least not entirely: Scientists think that your dominant hand is completely random because studies have shown that many twins have opposite handedness.
- Mothers over 40 are more likely to have left-handed babies: A study found that babies of moms over 40 are twice as likely to be lefties.
- Lefties like to drink more than righties: Cheers to the left-handed, because according to an international survey, they drink more than their right-handed peers.
- Left-handed people make better athletes: It has everything to do with right-handed people being unable to effectively react and anticipate your movements.
- Most left-handed people learn to be ambidextrous: Not because they want to, but because they have to. It’s a right-handed world