I like to think that if my car (or anything else!) were ever stolen, and I came across it, I'd steal it back from the thief. I think I would. Who knows, because I've never been in the situation, but I think I would.
A woman in Michigan had her Lexus stolen. While she was waiting on the police and the insurance company to sort out the situation, she rented another car. While she was driving the rental car, she spotter HER car (the one that was stolen) in the parking lot of a convenience store! So she grabbed her keys and STOLE HER CAR BACK! The thief came out of the store as this was happening, and then he stole her rental car! The cops found him (and the stolen rental) about 85 miles away, and the two-time thief was arrested on charges of car jacking and grand theft. And in case you were wondering, the woman who stole her own car back won't be facing any charges. I felt the need to throw that in there because we live in a weird world and stranger things have happened.