A Franklin, Indiana man who's been arrested previously for driving his lawnmower while drunk was arrested again Saturday for the same reason, according to the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.
A sheriff's deputy was sent to a Franklin lawn around 5:15 p.m. after a caller said a man wearing a neon green shirt, riding a red lawnmower, pulled into his yard and began to mow his grass.
The caller said he told the man to get off his property, and the authorities were called.
According to the police report, the man--Barry Ridge-- had a BAC of .165. The legal limit in Indiana is .08.
Ridge was arrested on a preliminary charge of OWI with a previous conviction. His lawnmower was also impounded.
Ok guys. Here's the thing: He drove drunk. I know it seems silly because he was on a mower and not in a car, but technically he WAS operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. (Fun fact: I know a guy who got a DUI on a bicycle). But I'm not gonna lie, if someone showed up and started cutting my grass--drunk or not--I'd probably let him. Sure, if he seemed like he was going to hurt someone, I'd call 911, but if he was just loving that zero-turn life and making a nice cross pattern in my yard...maybe I'd wait until he was done to call the cops. Know what I'm sayin'?