If this doesn't restore your faith in humanity, I don't know what will.
A homeless veteran has moved into his renovated childhood home -- thanks to the kindness of more than 70 volunteers and Home Depot's commitment to house all homeless veterans by 2020.
60-year-old Michael Malone served for 20 years in the Air Force and the Air Reserves and recently suffered the heartbreaking loss of his mother and his daughter. He was left his childhood home after his mother passed away, but he couldn't afford to pay for the extensive repairs needed to be able to live in the house, so he became homeless.
When word got out about Malone's circumstances, workers from Home Depot and Volunteers for America rallied together to spend their free time working on the house free of charge. After just a few days of work, the house was in perfect shape for Malone to move back in.
He says, "I'm kind of overwhelmed. I'm happy. I'm sad in a sense that my mother won't be here to experience this -- this was her home. [But] this just blows me away that there are people that are really truly that kind. It absolutely restores my view of humanity."
What an incredible thing to do for such a deserving man!