I've always wondered what foreigners think an "American accent" is. There are SO many accents within the US and they all sound SO different...Southern, Midwestern, New England, "Valley Girl"...Makes me wonder what they think we all sound like.
A new global survey by "Time Out" magazine asked people to name the sexiest accent in the world, and an American accent came in at #8. Canada did NOT make the top ten. Sorry, hosers. Here are the ten sexiest accents in the world . . .
1. English with 17% of the vote.
2. French, 13%.
3. Italian, 11%.
4. Irish, 9%.
5. Spanish, 7%.
6. Scottish, 6%.
7. Australian, 5%.
8. American, 4%. The same survey a few years ago found we had the SECOND sexiest accent. So I guess we're slipping.
9. Brazilian, 3%.
10. Japanese, 2%. (Uh...ok)
What do YOU think? Who has the sexiest accent out there?
[Time Out]