I've never been a cold pizza person. Don't get me wrong, pizza is delicious, I'd just rather heat it up than eat leftovers straight out of the fridge.
Either way, if you've got a couple leftover slices hanging out in the fridge, you should make it a point to eat them for breakfast tomorrow. Skip the cereal; go for the pizza.
According to dietician Chelsey Amer, pizza is a better-for-you option than breakfast cereal. First of all, a slice of pizza has about the same number of calories as a bowl of cereal with whole milk (less calories in skim milk, obvs), and more nutrition. Cereal is pretty much just carbs, and likely has a ton of sugar, whereas pizza contains healthy fats from cheese, plus protein and veggies (if you get actual toppings, anyway).
And come on, wouldn't you rather have pizza than lame ol' cereal? Of COURSE you would!