I hope you're enjoying a happy and safe Fourth of July Weekend! This has always been one of my favorite holidays--I love my country, and I love celebrating with friends.
However, sometimes, we have a little more to drink than we planned, and the wort thing you can do is get be hind the wheel if you're under the influence. There are extra law enforcement officers on the roads this weekend, and they're looking for intoxicated drivers.
An excuse I often hear for driving drunk is "I didn't want to leave my car at the bar." Well, the folks at AAA and Budweiser hear your concern and are offering Tow To Go this weekend!
The Tow To Go program will send a tow truck to pick you up AND pick up your car if you've had too much to drink. THIS SERVICE IS FREE.
There is NO excuse to drive if you you've had too much to drink. Have fun this Independence Day, but be safe too!
Call 1-800-2TOW2GO to take advantage of Tow To Go. Remember a DUI can cost up to $10000 in legal fees. Tow To Go is free. Enjoy your holiday!
For more information on Tow To Go, CLICK HERE.