Love your pooch and have a lot of expendable income? Hecate Verona is here for you. In case you missed it, the British company creates luxurious dog houses that will cost you between $38-and-215-thousand a pop.
Each of the "dog manors" come with a living room and bedroom and are built with aluminum, wood, and marble. “The customers we have worked with typically have their dogs living indoors, but we see the dog manors as a way of providing their pets the comforts of indoor living while making the experience of being outside more enjoyable," the company explains. “It leads to the dog enjoying being outdoors even more and staying more active, which is highly recommended by vets.”
Yeah, because my vet totally recommended that I BUY A HOUSE for my dog. Oooookay.
Want to check out pics? These things are nicer than my house. Just add a kitchen and I'll move in today!