Florida Republican Leaders Upset, But Not Surprised By Romney's Vote


President Trump was acquitted in the Senate impeachment trial on a mostly partisan vote, though Republican Mitt Romney sided with Democrats on one of the two articles.

GOP party leaders in our state are reacting.

"We are disappointed of course in Mitt Romney's vote, but not surprised. He allowed emotions to cloud his judgement and the people of Utah deserve better. The people of our country deserve better."

Palm Beach County Republican Party Chair Michael Barnett says Romney chose to ignore the president's accomplishments and voted with Democrats because of his dislike of President Trump.

Romney claims he voted his conscience, but Barnett says he isn't giving the 2012 Republican Presidential nominee the benefit of the doubt.

"This was an emotionally-driven vote, based on vengeance, based on a need to get payback. He's probably been waiting to cast this vote for a very long time."

Barnett says that ultimately the voters will decide on the political future of Romney.

"I hope the voters in Utah will remember and vote him out in four years. Or, better yet, recall him."

There have already been attempts underway in Utah to pass a citizens initiative allowing voters to recall Romney and one state lawmaker there says support increased for a bill after this week's vote.

Romney's is now the only U.S. Senator in history to vote in favor of removing a president of his own party from office.

Photo: Getty Images

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