TAMPA -- A Republican campaigning to unseat a longtime Democratic incumbent in Florida's House delegation claims that one of the tech giants is tilting the scales for her opponent when voters search for the Supervisor of Elections.
Christine Quinn's campaign says a Hillsborough resident searched for the elections office and an ad for Kathy Castor's campaign came up in the results. Campaign manager Allison Clay compares it to cybersquatting. "This is... a brazen move on the Castor campaign to go to such drastic lengths in order to boost their campaign efforts. Their team knew Hillsborough citizens would be using Google to search for voting locations on the first day of early voting."
“These ads just don’t appear out of thin air, someone paid for this, and timed it just right to get that name recognition they need to lure in voters."
The item comes up as a paid advertisement.
Photo: Quinn Campaign