I see your murder hornet, and raise you a warty cane toad

I see your murder hornet and raise you a warty cane toad.

The hits just keep coming, don't they?

Also known as a bufo toad, the warty cane toad is native to parts of the Southern US, and Central and South America. In the drier season, they burrow underground and go into a hibernation state, but now that we're coming into our rainy season, these toads are emerging.

The warty cane toad has bumpy skin, and grows anywhere from 4.5 - 9 inches in length, and like to live on the ground. They secrete a toxin that can be deadly to pets! If your pet licks, bites, or in some cases even sniffs one of these toads, they can become very sick, and die if untreated.

We love pets here in Tampa Bay, so I want to be sure everyone knows what these toads look like, so you can keep your fur babies away from them! If you want to deter these toads from making a home in your yard, pick up your dog's poo; cane toads are attracted to proteins in the droppings.

More info on the toads at the link below.

[TC Palm]

Infestation Of Poisonous Toads Has Florida Residents Calling Pest Control Specialists To Remove The Hoards

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