I'm all for unique baby names (in the 80s, there were at least 3 "Sarahs" in every classroom...it was annoying), but I'm scratching my head on this one:
X Æ A-12
That is Elon Musk's baby's name.
Elon and his girlfriend, Canadian singer Grimes, welcomed a child into the world this week, and Tweeted out the unique name, along with an explanation for its meaning...but did not include a pronunciation guide.
Were they drunk? Legitimate question. This is the kind of thing you think is clever and enlightened when your brain is under the influence of something, but then you go back and re-read it when sober and wonder what you were thinking.
Also, the state of California told the couple that the name can't be used on a birth certificate, because names can only be comprised of the 26 letters in the American English alphabet...no digits, and no special characters.
But seriously, how do you pronounce that?
Photo: Getty Images