How about a fun fact on your Tuesday afternoon?
Did you know that female dragonflies will play dead to avoid attention from aggressive male dragonflies?
Ladies, have you ever been on a date with a guy that was so terrible, you were willing to fake your own death to get out of it? It's hard out there, I hear you!
This behavior, which has been previously observed in five other species, is called ‘death feigning’. It’s believed to have developed as a survival tactic, since female dragonflies often risk injury or death when coerced into mating.
“In a lot of dragonflies, males try to seize the female with or without consent,” Rassim Khelifa, a biologist who recently published a study on the phenomenon, told National Geographic. “The fittest — that is the fastest, most powerful male — is usually the one who mates.”
So basically, a male grabs a female whether she's interested or not, and because the male is physically dominant, the female isn't able to fight she does the next best thing. Sounds like being a dragonfly isn't all that different from being a human female in a club
Nature is amazing!