This woman has been wearing her wedding dress for a month and I love it

A woman in the UK got married last month – and she’s pretty much been wearing her wedding dress ever since.

“I have cooked, cleaned and even done a bit of carpentry in it,” says Dawn Winfield-Hunt. “Usually you only get to wear your dress once and then you put it in a box and forget about it,” she says. “But I liked mine and decided to wear it the following day for a BBQ with friends and everyone loved it.”

Since then she’s worn it to a bar, a festival and even while paddle boarding. Dawn says she even has a “bucket list” of activities she wants to do while wearing her dress.

I love this. I LOVE my wedding dress, and it bums me out that it's been sitting in a closet since 2012. I would love to wear it again, and I think this lady has inspired me to bust it out and put it on!

[NY Post]

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