Clothes for people who hate doing laundry

Very few people actually enjoy doing laundry. There's a new clothing company called Unbound Merino (they were on Shark Tank!) that is making items you almost never have to wash!

They have started using new fibers and treatments to make clothes that won't stink even after you wear them for weeks or months between washes. MONTHS??! Eew!

This isn't just a big win for those of us who hate doing laundry . . . it's a big win for the environment. 

Washing machines are responsible for 17% of the water we use in our homes, and a quarter of the carbon footprint of every piece of clothing comes from cleaning it.

Another brand makes a seaweed fiber t-shirt and they say you'll save almost 800 gallons of water by not having to wash it as often as you'd wash a regular t-shirt. 

So... would you wear something that's already been worn 50 times without being washed? It's a great concept, but even if you're super lazy and don't care too much about personal cleanliness/hygiene, I think you'll want to wash your clothes more often than that.

[Fast Company]

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