How do you turn $33,000 in to $30?

How do you turn $33,000 in to 30 bucks? Just ask Florida Man!

There's a 40-year-old guy named Shane Mele from Riviera Beach, near West Palm, who broke into his boss's office and stole a rare coin collection. The coins dated back to the 1800s and the collection was worth about $33,000.

Now, this is a Florida Man story, so you know there's more to it than that.

This criminal mastermind then took the coins to a Coinstar machine . . . and cashed them in at FACE VALUE. And he got enough store credit to buy two 12-packs of beer. So yeah, he turned $33,000 in coins into two packs of High Life.

He was later arrested for grand theft, but unfortunately, the cops haven't been able to recover the missing coins. I hope the owner is able to get his coins back!

[Palm Beach Post]

photo: Palm Beach County Jail

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