Port Richey mayor shoots at Pasco deputies

I can't even believe this story.

The mayor of Port Richey, Dale Massad, shot at Pasco County deputies when they tried to serve him with a search warrant for practicing medicine without a license (what, WHAT?!).

From 10 News:

The Pasco Sheriff's Office said around 4:40 a.m. Thursday, SWAT team members were attempting to serve a search warrant at a home on Hayward Lane in Port Richey. The sheriff's office said shots were fired at the entry team, but deputies did not shoot back.
No one was injured, the sheriff's office said. FDLE said Massad was arrested and the state attorney general's office will handle the case.
FDLE said agents had gotten a tip that Massad was still practicing medicine without a license. Authorities said Massad's medical license was relinquished in 1992.

WOW. I'm thankful no one was injured, but this story is nuts!

[10 News]

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