You can get pretty sweet deals on last-minute plane tickets if you don't care where you're going. Which is a USELESS tip for 99% of us. Here's some info you might actually be able to use . . .
A new study looked at destinations all over the world, and figured out how far in advance to buy your tickets to get the best price. Here are eight places you might want to go, and when to book . . .
1. Anywhere in the U.S. . . . 54 days in advance. That's the average.
2. Canada, 59 days in advance. So about two months.
3. Mexico and Central America, 61 days.
4. The Caribbean, 76 days.
5. Europe, 99 days. So just over three months before you want to fly.
6. South America, 81 days.
7. Asia and the South Pacific, 90 days.
8. The Middle East and Africa, 119 days. So about four months ahead of time.