New Music Monday: Jordan Davis

Hi y'all! For a while now, I've been thinking about doing a "New Music Monday" feature on my show...and well, today's Monday! What better time than now?!

For the NMM debut, I've chosen "Almost Maybes," the new song from Jordan Davis. While this song isn't technically new new--since it's on an EP that came out a couple months ago--it's one that we're not currently playing on give it a listen and let me know what you think!

The plan is to use real listener feedback to decide what songs get added to our playlist in the future, or get your honest reaction to songs that we've recently started playing. Plus, I just genuinely love country music and would love to geek out about it with other fans. :)

So, without further ado, check out "Almost Maybes." Feel free to leave a comment on our Facebook page or Instagram Stories. There are no wrongs answers--it's YOUR opinion, so let us know your thoughts!

Photo: Getty Images

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