FDA List 9 Toxic Hand Sanitizers To Stop Using Immediately

The FDA put out a list of nine hand sanitizers that contain an extremely toxic substance called methanol that could KILL you. They're all made by a Mexican company called Eskbiochem, and they listed the brand names online.

Don't let this scare you away from using hand sanitizer, because it's an important tool for fighting the virus. But the FDA put out a warning this weekend about nine different brands that could actually CAUSE health issues.

They're all made by a Mexican company called Eskbiochem. And they contain something called wood methanol that's extremely toxic. It can absorb through your skin and cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, blurred vision, seizures, nerve damage, permanent blindness, and even kill you. So if you've been using any of these brands, STOP immediately and see a doctor. 

Here are the brand names you need to worry about . . .

1. Esk Biochem Hand Sanitizer.

2. All-Clean Hand Sanitizer.

3. The Good Gel Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer.

4. Saniderm Advanced Hand Sanitizer

5. Four different types of a brand called CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer.

6. And Lavar 70 Gel Hand Sanitizer. That one was especially toxic. The FDA tested a bottle, and it was 81% methanol. 

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