UPDATE: The US Navy Blue Angels Tampa flyover will happen Saturday

It was prevously reported that the US Navy Blue Angels would do a flyover in Tampa on Monday (today), but we're now seeing that the Tampa flyover will take place on Saturday, May 2nd.

The Tampa flyover is part of a multi-city salute to front-line workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. These flyovers also allow pilots to complete required training, and no additional costs will be incurred by taxpayers.

A formation of 6 F-16C/D Fighting Falcon and 6 F/A-18C/D Hornet aircraft will conduct these flyovers as a collaborative salute to healthcare workers, first responders, military,
and other essential personnel while standing in solidarity with all Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are incredibly honored to have the opportunity to salute those working on the frontline of the COVID-19 response, we are in awe of your strength and resilience,” said Cmdr. Brian Kesselring, U.S. Navy Blue Angels commanding officer and flight leader. “Thank you to all of those in essential industries keeping our nation moving forward. We will get through this. We are all in this together.”
This mission, the first of several planned over the coming weeks, is the culmination of more than a month of planning and coordination between the teams and numerous city and government offices.
Residents along the flight path can expect a few seconds of jet noise as the aircraft pass overhead, along with the sight of 12 high-performance aircraft flying close in precise formation.

Tampa will see the squadron’s F/A-18 Hornets in the sky on May 2, according to city spokesperson Ashley Bauman. Bauman said the Blue Angels will also visit Jacksonville, Miami and Tallahassee on May 2.

A time has not yet been provided, but we are expecting to get more info on the time and flight path in the coming days. We'll share when that information becomes available. You can follow the US Navy Blue Angels social media pages for official announcements.

Photo: Getty Images

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