An asteroid will fly by Earth next month, and it'll be close enough to see!

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An asteroid will pass by Earth in April, and it'll be close enough for us to see! Asteroid OR-2 is half the size of Mt Everest, and will pass about 6.3 million kilometers from Earth...sure, that seems far, but in the scope of space, it's actually pretty close. If you'd like to watch as it flies by, you can see it thanks to the Virtual Telescope Project!

Due to its size, the asteroid will reflect enough light to be clearly visible with the aid of a telescope. If you'd like to watch the Virtual Telescope Project will stream the event live online at (link won't be live until the day of). Be sure to watch on April 28th at 1pm EST. Astronomer Dr Gianluca Masi will provide commentary as the asteroid passes. Pretty neat stuff!


Photo: Getty Images

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