Daylight Saving Time is this weekend

Daylight Saving Time starts this weekend, so we have to set the clocks one hour ahead on Saturday night/Sunday morning. But here are four other things you should also do this weekend . . .

1. Change the batteries in your smoke alarm. It's a good idea to change out the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors once a year, so doing it the same weekend as changing the clocks is an easy way to stay on top of it. 

2. Restock your emergency kit. You should already have a stocked emergency kit at home, not just because of Coronavirus. If you DON'T have one, put one together this weekend . . . and if you DO, go through it to make sure nothing has expired. (last time I did this, I threw out medications and first aid supplies that had been expired for YEARS!)

3. Clean out your fridge, pantry, and medicine cabinet. This is a good time to de-clutter all your food, medicine, and supplements. Toss anything that's expired or you're no longer using, and make it a point to use up anything that's expiring soon. (again, last time I did this, I threw away food that had been in the pantry for literally years)

4. Flip your mattress. Some mattresses should be flipped twice a year to avoid irregular wear, and it's easy to remember if you do it the same weekend you change your clocks. 

Look at you, adulting and stuff!

(Heritage Insurance/Family Handyman/Good Housekeeping)

Photo: Getty Images

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