Dead guy screams, "LET ME OUT" as coffin is lowered into the ground

Loved ones at an Irish funeral for Defense Forces veteran Shay Bradley were shocked — then delighted — when they heard the voice of their late friend calling out from his coffin.

“Hello, hello — let me out!,” they heard on Saturday at Bradley’s funeral in Leinster as his casket was lowered into the ground.

The pre-recorded message continued, “Where the f - - k am I? Let me out, let me out. It’s f - - king dark in here. Is that the priest I can hear? This is Shay, I’m in the box. No, in f - - king front of you. I’m dead.”

The recording was made by the deceased before his passing; he knew he was dying, and wanted to play one last joke on his loved ones, so he made the recording and had it play as the coffin was lowered into the ground.

NOTE: Potty language in the video. If you have a weird sense of humor like I do, check this out.

[NY Post]

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