Octopus changes colors while dreaming!

If you don't know this about me, I'm absolutely fascinated with octopuses. They're intensely intelligent, especially for an invertebrate. If you've never seen videos of octopuses solving puzzles or opening jars, you should. They are also masters of camouflage, changing their color and texture instantaneously to match their environment and blend into their surroundings.

I was at home last night and came across this video of an octopus that changed colors as it slept.

Here's why this is cool: it was the first time color-changing was ever observed in a sleeping octopus, and it implies that they dream!

OCTOPUSES CAN DREAM! Have you ever heard of a dreaming cephalopod? I HADN'T!

This just adds to the growing list of reasons I think octopuses are the coolest animals in the ocean. I'm going diving next month at a place that's known for octopus sightings. I've never seen one on a dive, and I just might die if I get to see one!

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