Guy throws cupcake in road range incident, gets charged with assault

Well this is a new one.

Back in May, a woman was driving in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, when another driver passed her on the shoulder and apparently flipped her off.

A 31-year-old guy named Trevor Pearson was in the car with her, and he threw a CUPCAKE at the other car when they caught up.

And somehow, that cupcake hit the driver in the face!

It's not clear if the car was a convertible, or if Trevor managed to make a miracle throw by getting the cupcake through an open window while the cars were both in motion . . . but either way, the cupcake hit the driver's face.

So Trevor was just formally charged with a misdemeanor count of assault and battery. He could be looking at up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Honestly, if I'm ever assaulted, I can only hope and pray that it's with a cupcake. If you ever see me on the street and want to throw some delicious baked goods my way, I promise not to press charges.

[Pauls Valley Democrat]

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