Teen suffers MAJOR health issues from being a "picky eater"

A 19-year-old in the UK went blind and suffered hearing loss … because of his diet!

Since he was a young boy, the unnamed teen ate nothing but fries, potato chips, white bread, and processed meat. He claims to have always been a "picky eater" with aversions to certain textures.

His terrible diet caused something called nutritional optic neuropathy, a condition that is typically rare in developed countries. According to doctors, he had extremely low levels of B vitamins, vitamin D, and other nutrients necessary for good health.

I know this is a pretty extreme example, and of course not all picky eaters are going to suffer such extreme consequences, but it just goes to show the importance of a balanced diet. You can get all the nutrients your body needs by avoiding entire food groups. Pretty scary stuff here!

On a personal note, one of my best friends basically refused to eat fruits or vegetables as a kid. His diet was primarily meat, potatoes, and soda. When he was in middle school, he started developing protein deposits on his eyes because of his diet, and it prevented him from being able to wear contact lenses; the contacts would basically graft to his eyeballs via the protein deposits. Now he's an adult and eats a more varied diet, but that's a firsthand account of the side effects of not getting proper nutrients!


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