This guy is DEAD ASLEEP behind the wheel of his MOVING CAR

I'll start by saying, Teslas are beautiful cars. They perform exceptionally well, and I'd love to test-drive one. Tesla is one of the auto-makers who have been testing autopilot-type features, and are moving toward a self-driving option in the near future.

That being said, THOSE FEATURES DON'T EXIST YET. These cars do not drive themselves! There are driver-assist features, but they're not meant to completely take the place of an alert, competent driver!

This person was spotted on the I-5 freeway (a VERY BUSY interstate) in LA last week. He is completely asleep behind the wheel of a Tesla on the interstate. NOT. GOOD.

I have been saying for years that all of these features that are meant to make driving "safer" are actually making people into WORSE drivers. A car that keeps itself in the lane, auto-adjusts its speed, and avoids obstacles/collisions for you SOUNDS like a great idea, but the byproduct here--whether intentional or not--is that those features encourage people to be even more distracted behind the wheel. They give people even more excuses to drift off, text, scroll through their newsfeeds, and engage in all kinds of behaviors that take their attention away from driving. Here's a prime example! What an idiot! I'm just glad no one was hurt!

And please spare me the speech about how self-driving cars are statistically safer than humans. There are several stories about the technology failing. Not to mention, I don't want to be a human beta-test of some developer's buggy code. Hard pass.

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