Police search for woman who urinated on potatoes in Walmart

Just when I think I've seen it all, and nothing could possible shock me anymore... I'm proven wrong, in the WORST way.

Police are searching for a woman who urinated on potatoes in a Pennsylvania Walmart store. An employee reported seeing the woman urinate in the produce section, but by the time she saw what was happening, it was too late.

Employees removed the affected produce and sanitized the area.

The woman was caught on surveillance camera, and police are now looking for her.

All I want to know is WHY. WHY would an ADULT choose to relieve herself IN PUBLIC, and ON MERCHANDISE?! The fact that someone even thought to do that--much less CARRIED IT OUT--is baffling to me.

We need a plague. Can scientists somehow engineer a virus that only targets idiots like this?


I'm just glad it wasn't Florida!


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