McDonald's opens bee houses!

Did you know that several species of honeybee are endangered? And without honeybees, there's no food! Honeybees pollenate plants, we eat the plants (and other animals eat the plants)...but no bees is a pretty big problem, as you can imagine!

So McDonald's in Sweden is doing something about it! They're building bee houses on the roofs of McDonald's locations all over the country. The boxes look like tiny bee-sized McDonald's locations, and since they're on the roof, they're out of people's way, and can be left alone to do bee stuff all day.

If the project is successful, I'm hoping it'll take off in locations outside of Sweden. How cool would it be to have a bee house on the roof of every US McDonald's? With about 14,000 locations in the United States, that's a lot of bees!

Check it out!


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