This quiz will tell you if your relationship will fail

I am married...I'd say I'm happily married, and I think (I hope!) my husband would say the same. We've been together almost 10 years and married for just over 6. But according to this quiz, we might not make it!

This simple 4-question quiz will predict the success (or failure) of your currently relationship. It asks how long you've been together, if you're married or not, how much money you make, how you'd rate your marriage (from poor to excellent)...and then rates your relationship.

It gives you the likelihood of breaking up/divorcing in the next 1, 3, and 5 years...and told me I have a 13% chance of divorce in the next 5. Gee thanks, internet!

Want to see how your relationship is doing? Take the quiz HERE (and share your results with us on Facebook! I'm curious!)

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