There is no such thing as an "emotional support alligator"

I've said it before and I'll say it again: people have got to get this "emotional support animal" thing under control. I understand that there are people with legitimate disabilities/conditions who need trained animals for daily assistance, and I fully support that, but if you can't make a Target run without your emotional support hedgehog, I will make fun of you. Sorry not sorry. 

This dude in Pennsylvania (I'm honestly surprised it's not Florida) has an "emotional support alligator." ALLIGATOR!

The gator's name is Wally, it's 5 feet long (and growing), and the man claims that he's as well trained as a dog, and that he got approval from his doctor to use Wally for emotional support. 

I'm just glad that some major retailers are cracking down on fake service animals. This is ridiculous. 


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