Hate talking on the phone? This robot will answer the phone for you!

As my husband will tell you, I haaaaaaatttte talking on the phone. Maybe it's because I talk all day at work, I just don't want to be bothered with phone calls...? Maybe I have to be SO social at work that I become antisocial on my downtime? I don't know. But I've told so many of my friends, "Before you call me, ask yourself: is this textable?" Because I can read your message faster than you can say it, and reply in seconds and then we can both move on with our day. 

Wow, reading that back, I sound really rude. I'm nice, I swear!!

Anyway, for you grouchy old grumps like me who hate talking to people on the phone, Google now has a service that will answer the phone for you! When someone calls, a robot will answer and transcribe the caller's message into text. Then you can select/type a reply for the robot to respond with. THIS IS GENIUS. 

Click the link below to see a video of it in action! This is going to be especially great for solicitation calls!


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